Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Bodybuilding Tips for the Beginner LifeMojo Home|Invite|RSS|SMS|Help|Login / Register HomeMy JourneyMy Journey HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth Guides HomeHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping Cart LifestyleLifestyle > Bodybuilding Tips for the BeginnerBodybuilding Tips for the BeginnerBy LifeMojo Team / January 26, 20110 CommentsBodybuilding is a challenge and men take pleasure to fulfill it. But it is just like any other exercise and is bound by stricter regimes. Bodybuilding takes a lot of effort and patience. Remember the popular saying, "Rome was not built in a day"! And so is your body. It would take time to build up and show its vigor. If you are a beginner, then here's a quick guide for you:Proper clothing: The clothes you wear should allow you to move freely and comfortably. Avoid wearing body hugging clothes that are going to make exercising difficult. Wear a T-shirt to move freely. Adequate consumption of water: Adequate fluid intake is essential for comfort, performance and safety. It saves you from dehydration during your workouts. The longer and more intensely you exercise, the more important it is to drink the right kind of fluids. Take care to drink water frequently before, during and after your exercise sessions. Accurate lifting techniques: Using improper lifting forms and wrong techniques can not only prevent you from making any positive progress, but also might cause injuries to you. You should consult your trainer or talk to people who are more experienced regarding the use of accurate lifting techniques. Warm up sessions: A warm up session is very necessary before you start off with the weight lifting part. You can do the warm-ups in a stationary bike or a treadmill for around 10 minutes. This would improve your body flexibility and also minimize the risk of injury.Machines over free weights: Using free weights requires skill and coordination, making it harder to achieve good form without the added support from machines. Also, it's easier to put your body in the wrong position when using free weights, which can lead to injury. On the other hand, most machines work on a fixed path, making it easier to use good form. So, if you are beginner, start by using machines and move to free weights once you feel more comfortable with the movements.Use of light weights: You should take up weights as per your strength and capacity. Using too much weight will put you at risk for an injury. There is no place for ego and you should only take up those weights which would permit you to complete the exercise comfortably (while using the good form) without bringing too much strain on your muscles. Use a weight that tires the muscle(s) out within 8-12 repetitions. Lowering: You should pay proper attention to the unconventional part of an exercise. Don't throw or drop the weight like a stone. Rather, take 2 to 4 seconds to lower the weight gradually. These negative reps stimulate the growth of muscles. Plan: Every workout session should begin with a plan. Make sure that your workout plan include exercises to train each body part at least once a week with sufficient rest time so that you do not overtrain. Without a proper plan, you may end up exercising the same body part consecutively two or more days in a row or not exercising a particular body part enough. For example, you may train legs three times a week and leave shoulders out of your workout plan entirely. Carefully follow the directions of the instructor!Cardio: Do not forget to include cardio in your workout plan. Cardio can help you lose fat so that you can have lean muscle mass. It gets your heart pumping and increases blood circulation. It works out your heart like any other muscle and strengthens it for endurance, long life, and increased productivity. Make sure to include at least 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week in your workout routine. Diet and dietary supplements: You can workout everyday of the week, but if you are eating junk your workouts will not give you very good results. As much as possible, feed on protein rich foods such as dairy products, egg, chicken, lean fish, tofu and dried beans. Protein helps build and repair muscle tissue. Stay away from fried foods, foods high in sugar, and limit your intake of carbs. It has been found that majority of the bodybuilders do not consume adequate amounts of essential fatty acids in their diet. Supplements like Omega 3 fatty acids provide support functions in muscle development. But it has to be noted that supplements alone have no power to build your physique. Participation in a proper program with proper diet would ensure success. If Arnold Schwarzenegger is your hero, if you worship him, then you should also follow the strict regime with devotion and care. He succeeded in becoming Mr. Olympiad for 9 times! If you feel that you too have the fire inside you, then keep the above tips in mind.Tags: Body Building, Beginner, Tips, Strength Training, FitnessEmailRelated ArticlesStrength Training for BeginnersStrength training has a number of benefits, not the least of which is helping you lose weight and ke...Cycling Safety TipsCycling is a healthy exercise which can be taken up for joy, entertainment as well as for specific h...Basic Tips for Mountain BikingMountain biking requires a different set of skills than road bicycling. 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