Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request How Losing Weight Improves Your Life LifeMojo Home|Invite|RSS|SMS|Help|Login / Register HomeMy JourneyMy Journey HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth Guides HomeHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping Cart LifestyleLifestyle > How Losing Weight Improves Your LifeHow Losing Weight Improves Your LifeBy LifeMojo Team / January 25, 20110 CommentsWeight Loss and various ways of losing weight have come to the forefront with growing concerns over obesity and weight-related health problems. Not only that, people in general, want to look good and so they want to shed off excess weight. Looking gaudy in stylish dresses would demand the perfect figure. So the purpose of weight loss varies from one person to the other. Whatever, might be the reason, there are certain surprising benefits which you might accrue after a weight loss. These are:You would experience an improvementin memory: A study conducted by Swedish researchers on 290 women (born between 1908 and 1922) found that women who were overweight with BMI greater than 25 throughout their adult lives were more likely to lose brain tissue (a condition known as brain atrophy) in the temporal lobe compared with women who maintained a healthy weight with BMI less than 25 during their adulthood. Loss of brain tissue has been linked to memory loss, shortening of the attention span, and dementia. The temporal lobe is important for a number of reasons, including memory, hearing, speech, language, comprehension, and visual processing of, for example, faces. Researchers are of the opinion that loss of brain tissue may be due to fat causing more oxidative stress, resulting in an increase of free radicals in the body. Another possibility may be that the extra fat leads to artery disease (clogged arteries), which can limit oxygen flow to the brain. In other words, if you maintain a healthy body weight, you may decrease the risk of temporal lobe atrophy and subsequent dementia.You won't find it difficult tocarry groceries: Researchers at the Wake Forest University conducted an experiment with 9,400 middle-aged women. They measured the waist-to-hip ratios of the subjects and found that the subjects who had spare tires had a 57 percent chance of experiencing reduced muscle strength and exercise capacity. In other words, if you lose weight, you would experience greater muscle strength and would not find difficulties in doing activities like carrying your child or lifting groceries.You would gain heart-health: Obese people stand at a greater risk of suffering from the thickening of the heart wall and irregular heartbeats than the individuals who have normal weights. The upper left chamber of the heart, the atrium, stretches out due to obesity. This gives rise to an overly rapid beat which is not at par with the rest of the heart. This condition is referred to as atrial fibrillation. It leads to an increase in the risk of stroke by four times. The risk of death gets doubled under such a condition.You would save yourself from cancer: Research has shown that an excessive weight in an individual can trigger an excess generation of the hormones, leptin and estrogen. These hormones are responsible for the growth of abnormal cells which in turn set the stage for the development of tumors. When you lose weight you can protect yourself from certain types of cancer. A research conducted with 22, 000 women for 7 years by the University of Minnesota claimed that the women who experienced weight loss by around 20 pounds (aroung 9 kg) were able to cut down the risk of breast cancer by 21 percent.Your knees would feel relieved: It is a known fact that excess body weight puts extra pressure on the knees. A research conducted on osteoarthritis by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggested that each pound increase in weight over the normal value raises the risk of osteoarthritis in women by 10 to 15 percent and in men by 5 to 10 percent. Therefore, when you are losing weight, you are providing relief to your knees!You would experience easy breathing: A study was conducted by the University of Ottawa taking 50 obese women as the subjects. It was observed that for each loss of 10 percent of body weight, there was an improvement in the lung function by 5 percent. The breathing power was found to improve by 10 percent in women who registered a 25 percent weight loss. Excess weight causes the breathing muscles to work harder and their function loses the effectiveness.You can save your arteries fromdamages: In a research it was found that overweight people who lost 7 percent of their weight experienced fewer signs of artery damage.You would becomepregnant more easily: An obese woman finds it very difficult to conceive or carry to term even if she opts for in-vitro fertilization. A study with 372 women was conducted in South Carolina and it was observed that the obese women were 32 percent less likely to carry a child in comparison to those who had normal weights. In another study conducted by London researchers it has been found that the obese women were at a greater risk of miscarriage in comparison to their counterparts who had healthy weights. So you should lose weight to be able to conceive.You would deliver your baby faster: The University of Carolina conducted a study on labor with 672 women. It was observed that labor lasted 2 hours longer in obese women in comparison to those who had healthy weights. Another study conducted by the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine suggested that the C-section rates were found to be higher in obese and overweight women compared to those who had normal weights. All these suggest that if you lose weight, you would be able to give birth to your child faster.New researches are always coming up with newer forms of weight loss benefits. So whenever you feel like indulging in high-fat or sugary foods, just remember these added benefits. You would like to lose weight not just to look good but to maintain your overall health.Tags: Weight Loss, Pregnancy, Wellness, Benefits, Health, Women, MotivationEmailRelated ArticlesPregnancy and Gestational DiabetesGestational diabetes is a condition characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels that is first...Health Hazards of ObesityThe health problems associated with obesity are numerous. Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem. It...Positive Effects of Quitting SmokingEvery year thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes. We a...Pregnancy Do's and Don'tsPregnancy is a delicate time for any woman and as with other heath related situations, there are man...Heed to Pregnancy BasicsPregnancy is as natural as the word evolution. 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