Health Tip: stop taking drugs every time you ' ...
Stop taking medications whenever you have a small ... LifeMojo Home |Invite |RSS |SMS |Help |Login/registration HomeMy JourneyMy HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle travel HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth HomeHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping cart health TipHealth health tips > Guides > 25 January, ' 11Subscribe on SMSSign UpHealth tip for January 25, 11Stop taking medicines, ' whenever you have a minor illness. The overuse of antibiotics and cold medicines & fighting fever weakens the immune system.
Some prescription medications and non-prescription are important toxins that many put in their bodies. Researchers have discovered that some people who take antibiotics were reduced levels of cytokines-hormone messengers of the immune system. You are more likely to develop resistant bacteria or become sick in the future when the immune system is suppressed.
Tags: Immune system, drug ?previous tip of healthHealth Tip next?health tips on: Twitter, Facebook SMS Email for FREE health tips related make sure you get adequate (7-9 hrs) & a good ...Eat oats regularly to strengthen the immune system ...there are many germs that circulate in the air on ...See this tip to health in other languages? ?? ????? Arabic-?????? ...Bulgarian-?????? ?????? h. ..Chinese (T)-??????, ??????? ?...Chinese (S)-??????, ??????? ?...Croatian-uzimat Provided ...Czech-P?estat u??vat ...Danish-Stop med at tags ...Dutch-Stoppen met het ...English-stop taking med. ..Finnish-Lopeta l??kitys ...French-der de prend ...German-Beenden Sie die ...Greek-? ?? ?????????? ...Hebrew-?????? ???? ??? ...Hindi-??? ????? ?? ?? ...English-stop pre ...Japanese-???????, ??????? ...Korean-?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ...Latvian-P?rtrauciet z?? ...Lithuanian-Nustokite varto ...Norwegian-Slutte med ? ta ...Polish-Stop lek bior?c ...Portuguese-Pare de tomar or ...Romanian-lua s? ?nceta?i ...Russian-?????????? ???? ...Serbian-???????? not open none ?? ??? ...Slovak-Presta? u??va? ...Spanish-Deje de tomar m. ..Swedish-Sluta ta medical ...Thai-หยุดใช้ยาทุกครั ...Turkish-Durdurmak ila?l ...Ukrainian-????????? ????? ...ExploreRoutesCalories in GTalkCalories in FoodCalories burned by DietHealth ActivityIndian Weight Loss Tips on Email/Newsletter NutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationTop RatedHealth ForumsMore UsTestimonialsContact Usabout d ' on BuzzAdvertise with UsBlogHow can improve this site for you?Send suggestions, bug reports, or just say HiEmail: website |ITB |Terms of Use |Privacy PolicyAll contained in this website is copyright of LifeMojo Health Solutions Pvt. LtdBy using this service, you agree to our terms and conditions of use. Please read them. All contents of this Web site, such as diet, weight loss tips, healthy recipes, fitness calculators and other material on the website (the "content") are for informational purposes only. This site does not provide medical advice or Diagnosis. LifeMojoHealth TipsLifestyleNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationThese feeds are for personal use only. To use these for any other purpose, please contact us at InviteTo to send Email ID (use commas to separate e-mail ID) get friends to admin @ lifemojo. comYour NameYour EmailYour our daily health tips on SMS for free: click LifeMojo Google SMS channel or sms ON lifemojo to 9870807070 + 91 LifeMojo health suggestions are for personal use only. You cannot publish the tips anywhere else. All content on health tips are for informational purposes only. Tips do not provide medical advice or diagnosis.
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