Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request 14 Simple Ways to Make You Happy LifeMojo Home|Invite|RSS|SMS|Help|Login / Register HomeMy JourneyMy Journey HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth Guides HomeHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping Cart LifestyleLifestyle > 14 Simple Ways to Make You Happy14 Simple Ways to Make You HappyBy LifeMojo Team / January 25, 20111 CommentWe want to be happy always, but often blame others or situations which fail to support this need. But we do not need some remarkable things to take place to shower happiness on us. We feel happy in small, yet interesting things. But do you realize that you share some portions of the responsibility to keep yourself happy? You have to do certain things intentionally to keep yourself in a happy mood. Here's a list of things which can enable you to turn a bad day into a bright one:Go through the pages of an old photo album: Once you go back to those memorable days, you would feel really rejuvenated. Old photos carry a lot of emotions and looking at photos when you were a kid or your kids' photos would inspire you to take interest in your life and work. You can also upload some of your favorite photos in your office computer and this would help you boost up your mood in a stressful work atmosphere.Have nuts in your spare times: Whenever you get an opportunity, consider taking some nuts as these are great mood boosters. You can store walnuts in the drawer of your office desk. Having a salmon salad at lunch also produces the same effect. These foods are rich sources of Omega-3 fats which are considered powerful components to fight depression.Consider having a simpler form of aromatherapy: You can fill the air around you with some good aroma by lighting up aromatic candles or incense sticks. Studies have proved that a good smell goes a long way in calming minds during a stressful work day.Get exposed to the morning sunlight: Research has shown that the first sunlight you see after waking up boosts up your mood. A good exposure to sunlight is found to be associated with better mood, sleep and alertness. Consider having breakfast by your window side every morning. You would feel happy.Make some moves: If you are in an office setup, where there are no windows to see outside or to feel the sunlight, then consider moving out during the breaks. Getting the sun's exposure is very essential to keep away depression. You can do mild exercises, at about 40 percent of your heart rate, to lift your mood. Even simple physical activities in the form of walking down the path of a park or doing a bit of gardening would help to keep you happy. These are not just exercises, but are targeted towards mental recreation.Clear the mess around you: When something is not in order then it reminds you about the work that is left to be done. The mess around you might make you feel "messy" too! So if you have time, organize the cluttered papers, books and other items in neat piles and keep them in baskets or drawers. Organizing your office desk or your kitchen would help you to come out of a bad mood.Think speedily: Whenever you are in a stressful situation, just think about the positive aspects of the situation quickly. Take 30 minutes to make a list of the positive points. This is a mode of distraction which can quickly change your mood. According to the researchers, the mood gets lifted due to the release of feel-good brain chemicals during the rapid thinking process.Watch something funny: Laughter is a great stress reliever as it is related to the release of dopamine, the hormone which prevents depression. You can watch a funny video or meet some friends who can make you laugh!Focus on good experiences than materials: It is true that shopping would lift up your mood, but having better experiences and enjoying these with family and friends would give you more happiness. When you go to attend a concert or a lunch with your near and dear ones, then you feel nice and this joy is greater in comparison to what you feel while shopping for clothes and jewelry just for yourself!Exchange smile with others: Whenever you smile, you become more social and acceptable to everyone around you. You make new friends and people are attracted to you. This social acceptance is enough to keep you happy.Take your mind away for a moment: You need to experience some downtime to release stress. After going through some stressful hours, just move away from your desk and keep your eyes closed. Think about some unrelated matter; say the fun activities which you are going to do in the weekend.Socialize with a cheerful neighbor: Make it a point to meet and exchange smiles with a cheerful neighbor every day. Short chat sessions would really keep you happy and relaxed.Take interest in cooking after a tough day: Once you go back to your home after a tough day, think about cooking to de-stress you and to keep your mind away from the day's hectic schedule. Cooking a sumptuous meal for yourself would allow you to unwind very easily. And delicious foods are great mood boosters!Volunteer for a cause: You can think of doing some good deeds by participating in a cause. This can be achieved in many ways: going for charity walks, participating in awareness campaigns and even by donating your organs. Serving the society and the community would give you a feeling of goodness.You see, miracles cannot happen every time. But does this stop you from keeping yourselves happy and from celebrating life? You have to find ways to keep you happy! Then only, you can spread happiness to others around you.Tags: Happy, Mood, Tips, Stress, Depression, MotivationEmailRelated Articles11 Things You Can Do to Be HappyHave you ever had a rough day and nothing seems to be going right? Whenever, you have such a day jus...Habits of Happy PeopleWe each have a wide range of concerns in our life, our health, our family, our work etc. In all this...Job Burnout: How to Avoid Getting Burnt Out at Work?At some point in your job, you will experience burnout. A point where you feel completely drained of...Tips for Overcoming DepressionAlthough some people tend to use the words 'sad' and 'depression' synonymously, depression is more t...7 Diet Tips to Prevent DepressionThere's more and more research indicating that, in some ways, food and mood are connected. Dietary c...1 CommentAnkit Joshinice tips thanks to lifemojo team2 days agoPost CommentEmailRegisterCurrent Rating:(Login to rate the Article)Related DiscussionsHow to have good mental health?1 ResponseHow To Find Peace Within Yourself?2 ResponsesHow to control your anxiety?1 ResponseHow To Cure Depression?1 ResponseHow To Snap Out Of A Bad Mood?2 ResponsesSee more discussionsPlease enter the details below:Your NameYour EmailYour Friend's EmailSendAlready a LifeMojo user? Login!Please enter a valid username/passwordEmail:Password: Remember meForgot Password?New user? Register with LifeMojoEmail Address*:Name*:Password*:(minimum 6 characters)Retype Password*:* indicates mandatory fields I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy PolicyEnter your email address below and we will mail you your password: Send PasswordExploreRoutesCalories on GTalkCalories in FoodCalories burnt by ActivityIndian Weight Loss DietHealth Tips on Email / Newsletter NutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationTop RatedHealth ForumsMore About UsTestimonialsContact UsAbout UsMedia BuzzAdvertise With UsBlogHow can we improve this site for you?Send us suggestions, bug reports, or just say HiEmail: Site Map|Terms of Use|Privacy PolicyAll content on this site is copyright of LifeMojo Health Solutions Pvt LtdBy using this service, you accept our Terms of Use. Please read them. All the contents of this Website, such as weight loss diet plan, tips, healthy recipes, fitness calculators and other material contained on the Website ("Content") are for informational purposes only. This Website does not provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.LifeMojoHealth TipsLifestyleNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationThese feeds are for personal use only. To use these for any other purpose, please contact us at admin@lifemojo.comYour NameYour EmailYour Friends' Email Ids(Use commas to separate email Ids)Send InviteTo get our Daily Health Tips on SMS for FREE:Click on LifeMojo Google SMS ChannelOr sms ON LIFEMOJO to +91 9870807070The Health tips from LifeMojo are for personal use only. You are not allowed to publish the tips anywhere else. All the content in health tips is for informative purpose only. The tips do not provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.
Drink a glass of lemon juice in water (not hot ... LifeMojo Home |Invite |RSS |SMS |Help |Login/Register HomeMy JourneyMy HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle travel HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth HomeHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping cart health TipHealth health tips > Guides > 26 January, ' SMSSign 11Subscribe on UpHealth tip to 26 January ' 11Drink a glass of lemon juice in water (not hot) with honey if you're suffering from indigestion and burning.
Lemon juice, as an antiseptic and antibacterial, reduces the presence of bacteria causing diseases within the digestive system. You can also add a few drops of lemon on your plate to help digestion.
Tags: Lemon, digestion, Home Remedy ?previous tip of healthHealth Tip next?health tips on: Twitter, Facebook SMS Email for FREE Allied Health Tips for indigestion, have a mixture of a teaspoon of each ...In case of formation of gas, mix 1/2 teaspoon cardamom ...For the loss of appetite, indigestion or chew a little ...See this tip to health in other languages? ?? ??? ??? Arabic-???? ...Bulgarian-???? ?? ??????? ...Chinese (T)-??????? ( ?????? ) ...Chinese (S)-?????????? ( ???? ...Croatian-Popijte ?a?u so ...Czech-Vypijte sklenic ...Danish-Drik et glas ...Dutch-Drink een glas ...English-drink a glass or ...Finnish-under officer lasi sitruu ...French-Buvez UN verre ...German-Trinken Sie ein ...Greek-?????? ??? ???? ...Hebrew-??? ??? ??? ??? ...Hindi-???? ??? ????? ...English-UN Drink bicchie ...Japanese-????????, ?????? ...Korean-??? ?? ??? ???? ...Latvian-Dzert gl?zi ...Lithuanian-Gerkite citrin? ...Norwegian-Drikk et glass ...Polish-Wypi? szklank? ...Portuguese-Beba um copo de ...Romanian-Bea UN pahar de ...Russian-??????? ?????? ...Serbian-????? ???? ???? ...Slovak-Vypite poh?r there ...Spanish-UN Beba vase de ...Swedish ett Drick-glas ...Thai-เครื่องดื่มแก้ว ...Turkish-E?er haz?ms?zl? ...Ukrainian-??????? ??????? ...ExploreRoutesCalories in GTalkCalories in FoodCalories burned by DietHealth ActivityIndian Weight Loss Tips on Email/Newsletter NutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationTop RatedHealth ForumsMore UsTestimonialsContact Usabout d ' on BuzzAdvertise with UsBlogHow can improve this site for you?Send suggestions, bug reports, or just say HiEmail: website |ITB |Terms of Use |Privacy PolicyAll contained in this website is copyright of LifeMojo Health Solutions Pvt. LtdBy using this service, you agree to our terms and conditions of use. Please read them. All contents of this Web site, such as diet, weight loss tips, healthy recipes, fitness calculators and other material on the website (the "content") are for informational purposes only. This site does not provide medical advice or Diagnosis. LifeMojoHealth TipsLifestyleNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationThese feeds are for personal use only. To use these for any other purpose, please contact us at InviteTo to send Email ID (use commas to separate e-mail ID) get friends to admin @ lifemojo. comYour NameYour EmailYour our daily health tips on SMS for free: click LifeMojo Google SMS channel or sms ON lifemojo to 9870807070 + 91 LifeMojo health suggestions are for personal use only. You cannot publish the tips anywhere else. All content on health tips are for informational purposes only. Tips do not provide medical advice or diagnosis.
Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Bodybuilding Tips for the Beginner LifeMojo Home|Invite|RSS|SMS|Help|Login / Register HomeMy JourneyMy Journey HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth Guides HomeHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping Cart LifestyleLifestyle > Bodybuilding Tips for the BeginnerBodybuilding Tips for the BeginnerBy LifeMojo Team / January 26, 20110 CommentsBodybuilding is a challenge and men take pleasure to fulfill it. But it is just like any other exercise and is bound by stricter regimes. Bodybuilding takes a lot of effort and patience. Remember the popular saying, "Rome was not built in a day"! And so is your body. It would take time to build up and show its vigor. If you are a beginner, then here's a quick guide for you:Proper clothing: The clothes you wear should allow you to move freely and comfortably. Avoid wearing body hugging clothes that are going to make exercising difficult. Wear a T-shirt to move freely. Adequate consumption of water: Adequate fluid intake is essential for comfort, performance and safety. It saves you from dehydration during your workouts. The longer and more intensely you exercise, the more important it is to drink the right kind of fluids. Take care to drink water frequently before, during and after your exercise sessions. Accurate lifting techniques: Using improper lifting forms and wrong techniques can not only prevent you from making any positive progress, but also might cause injuries to you. You should consult your trainer or talk to people who are more experienced regarding the use of accurate lifting techniques. Warm up sessions: A warm up session is very necessary before you start off with the weight lifting part. You can do the warm-ups in a stationary bike or a treadmill for around 10 minutes. This would improve your body flexibility and also minimize the risk of injury.Machines over free weights: Using free weights requires skill and coordination, making it harder to achieve good form without the added support from machines. Also, it's easier to put your body in the wrong position when using free weights, which can lead to injury. On the other hand, most machines work on a fixed path, making it easier to use good form. So, if you are beginner, start by using machines and move to free weights once you feel more comfortable with the movements.Use of light weights: You should take up weights as per your strength and capacity. Using too much weight will put you at risk for an injury. There is no place for ego and you should only take up those weights which would permit you to complete the exercise comfortably (while using the good form) without bringing too much strain on your muscles. Use a weight that tires the muscle(s) out within 8-12 repetitions. Lowering: You should pay proper attention to the unconventional part of an exercise. Don't throw or drop the weight like a stone. Rather, take 2 to 4 seconds to lower the weight gradually. These negative reps stimulate the growth of muscles. Plan: Every workout session should begin with a plan. Make sure that your workout plan include exercises to train each body part at least once a week with sufficient rest time so that you do not overtrain. Without a proper plan, you may end up exercising the same body part consecutively two or more days in a row or not exercising a particular body part enough. For example, you may train legs three times a week and leave shoulders out of your workout plan entirely. Carefully follow the directions of the instructor!Cardio: Do not forget to include cardio in your workout plan. Cardio can help you lose fat so that you can have lean muscle mass. It gets your heart pumping and increases blood circulation. It works out your heart like any other muscle and strengthens it for endurance, long life, and increased productivity. Make sure to include at least 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week in your workout routine. Diet and dietary supplements: You can workout everyday of the week, but if you are eating junk your workouts will not give you very good results. As much as possible, feed on protein rich foods such as dairy products, egg, chicken, lean fish, tofu and dried beans. Protein helps build and repair muscle tissue. Stay away from fried foods, foods high in sugar, and limit your intake of carbs. It has been found that majority of the bodybuilders do not consume adequate amounts of essential fatty acids in their diet. Supplements like Omega 3 fatty acids provide support functions in muscle development. But it has to be noted that supplements alone have no power to build your physique. Participation in a proper program with proper diet would ensure success. If Arnold Schwarzenegger is your hero, if you worship him, then you should also follow the strict regime with devotion and care. He succeeded in becoming Mr. Olympiad for 9 times! If you feel that you too have the fire inside you, then keep the above tips in mind.Tags: Body Building, Beginner, Tips, Strength Training, FitnessEmailRelated ArticlesStrength Training for BeginnersStrength training has a number of benefits, not the least of which is helping you lose weight and ke...Cycling Safety TipsCycling is a healthy exercise which can be taken up for joy, entertainment as well as for specific h...Basic Tips for Mountain BikingMountain biking requires a different set of skills than road bicycling. Balance, power, cadence and ...Proper Breathing Technique for Weight LiftingSometimes it's easy to get so caught up in lifting that you forget to do what comes naturally, like ...High Intensity Training (HIT)HIT is a new level of intensity to get maximum results in the weight room! High-Intensity Training i...0 CommentsPost CommentEmailRegisterCurrent Rating:(Login to rate the Article)Related DiscussionsWeight Loss4 ResponsesHow to loose weight fast in a month?82 ResponsesTop 10 Weight Loss Tips39 ResponsesWeight Plateau7 Responsesweight reduction2 ResponsesSee more discussionsPlease enter the details below:Your NameYour EmailYour Friend's EmailSendAlready a LifeMojo user? Login!Please enter a valid username/passwordEmail:Password: Remember meForgot Password?New user? Register with LifeMojoEmail Address*:Name*:Password*:(minimum 6 characters)Retype Password*:* indicates mandatory fields I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy PolicyEnter your email address below and we will mail you your password: Send PasswordExploreRoutesCalories on GTalkCalories in FoodCalories burnt by ActivityIndian Weight Loss DietHealth Tips on Email / Newsletter NutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationTop RatedHealth ForumsMore About UsTestimonialsContact UsAbout UsMedia BuzzAdvertise With UsBlogHow can we improve this site for you?Send us suggestions, bug reports, or just say HiEmail: Site Map|Terms of Use|Privacy PolicyAll content on this site is copyright of LifeMojo Health Solutions Pvt LtdBy using this service, you accept our Terms of Use. Please read them. All the contents of this Website, such as weight loss diet plan, tips, healthy recipes, fitness calculators and other material contained on the Website ("Content") are for informational purposes only. This Website does not provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.LifeMojoHealth TipsLifestyleNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationThese feeds are for personal use only. To use these for any other purpose, please contact us at admin@lifemojo.comYour NameYour EmailYour Friends' Email Ids(Use commas to separate email Ids)Send InviteTo get our Daily Health Tips on SMS for FREE:Click on LifeMojo Google SMS ChannelOr sms ON LIFEMOJO to +91 9870807070The Health tips from LifeMojo are for personal use only. You are not allowed to publish the tips anywhere else. All the content in health tips is for informative purpose only. The tips do not provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.
Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Job Burnout: How to Avoid Getting Burnt Out at Work? LifeMojo Home|Invite|RSS|SMS|Help|Login / Register HomeMy JourneyMy Journey HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth Guides HomeHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping Cart LifestyleLifestyle > Job Burnout: How to Avoid Getting Burnt Out at Work?Job Burnout: How to Avoid Getting Burnt Out at Work?By LifeMojo Team / January 24, 20110 CommentsIs your job putting you under a lot of stress? Do you feel drained of all the life pleasures? Does your job feel extremely boring and painfully empty? Does life feel stressful and unbalanced? If so, you may be struggling with job burnout which makes your job look dull and drains all your enthusiasm.Job burnout can affect everyone at one point or another. It doesn't matter if you are a blue collared worker, senior management or even the owner of the company. Demands of the work place can affect an individual both mentally and physically. Many people are working extra hours and bearing the brunt of the same. In such fast paced time, Job burnout has become the number one cause for employee attrition.What is Job Burnout?Job burnout (a.k.a job depression) is a state of physical, emotional and psychological fatigue caused by long-term exposure to demanding work situations. In extreme cases, your work performance, health, and personal life suffer. When a person has suffered job burnout he/she will have feeling of cynicism and negativity. Even people with extremely high motivation have fallen prey to this 21st century disease.What are the symptoms of Job Burnout?As Job burnout is more of a mental state, a lot of its symptoms are also more mental than physical. But extreme cases of job burnout also show physical signs of it.Inability to concentrateOccasional feelings of frustration and dissatisfactionAnger, depression and anxietyEmotional fatigue and depletion of energyFeeling of no control over your work or lifeInsomniaForgetfulnessLow productivity at workFrequent headaches, back pain, muscle achesChange in appetite or sleep habits.What are the causes of Job Burnout?There are many causes of burnout. The major ones are related to the job itself. Here are a few:Lack of recognition or rewards for the work doneVague or extremely demanding job expectationsDull and Monotonous work day in and day outLack of breaks or vacationsInsufficient salary and other rewardsBeing stuck in the wrong job.Although it is a known fact that Job burnout (as the name suggest) happens at the job. However, there are various lifestyle factors that can lead to it as well like:Lack of personal and supportive relationshipsWorking too hard in fear of mass layoffsNot getting enough of sleepIrregular dietCertain personality traits also contributes towards your experience of stress, making you more susceptible to burnout. While much of personality is inborn, it's important to be aware of how your personal tendencies can contribute to your stress response, so you can adjust what you can:Perfectionistic tendencies; nothing is ever good enoughReluctance to delegate to others; the need to be in controlPessimistic view of yourself and the worldType A personality; being impatient with people and life's minor hassles, and having trouble keeping from lashing out at people.Job Burnout vs Job StressJob burnout is not excessive stress. Stress is a major contributing factor but not the whole story. You may realize that everything at your job is going smoothly and you have cordial relationship with your boss but you may still feel a burnout. Stress is a result of excessive job involvement but burn is a result of job disengagement. Stress will result in loss of energy but a burnout will cause a loss of motivation.What should I do about it?Recuperation from job burnout is possible, but it requires changes and takes a lot time. If you feel that the above symptoms are quite true to yourself and think that there is an impending burnout, here are a few tips that you can implement:Take a break: Take a vacation from work. Sometimes job burnout is a result of constant work and no play. In such a situation, it is better to take a break and do something else. You can also set a time each day when you completely disconnect. Turn off your phone, get away from your laptop/computer, and stop checking email.Start your day the right way: When you wake up in the morning, take 10 to 15 minutes to sit in silence each morning. During this time, breath deeply and write in your journal or read something that inspires you.Focus on relationships: Make sure that you have a supportive relationship with your colleagues and family. Relationships bring new insight and reduce the negativity in life.Draw boundaries: Learn to draw boundaries between work and home. Don't bring work at home. Make sure you say 'No' to irrelevant things. This allows you to say 'Yes' to the things that you truly want to do. Lessen your work load by delegating and prioritizing.Take care of your body: Your body is the powerhouse that keeps you going at work. Irregular diet and not getting enough sleep is few of the many ways you will ruin it. Remember, "When wealth is lost nothing is lost, but when health is lost and everything is lost". Make sure you are fuelling it properly and giving it ample time to rest.Learn new things: Most of the time job burnout is a result of monotonous work. You can speak to your boss about the same and make yourself get a different profile so that you can learn new things. You can even take vocational courses that will help you improve on your job skills and who knows you may even get a promotion for the same.Learn stress management techniques: There are a variety of effective techniques for conquering stress. Meditation, yoga, exercise, pranayam, etc. Anyone can learn to use these relaxation techniques to control stress.It is important to know if you are suffering from job burnout to take action to mitigating it. Evaluate your situation, and find resources for combating burnout today!Tags: Office, Stress, Tips, Work Life Balance, Burnout, Prevention, Motivation, Wellness, DepressionEmailRelated ArticlesReclaim Your Work-Life BalanceToday's business atmosphere makes men work up to his last breath. Its all about hectic schedules, bo...7 Diet Tips to Prevent DepressionThere's more and more research indicating that, in some ways, food and mood are connected. Dietary c...How to Stay Fit at Work?Workplaces provide a range of opportunities to encourage and support healthy and active lifestyles a...Time Management Tips for Busy PeopleDo you feel that you should be more organized and productive? Do you feel that there should be more ...Long Hours at Computer: Health Risks & PreventionComputers are a must in a person's life whether it is at home or office. Children also use computers...0 CommentsPost CommentEmailRegisterCurrent Rating:(Login to rate the Article)Related DiscussionsHow Do You Replenish Your Body After A Workout?1 ResponseDoes Exercise Cause Stress?2 ResponsesDoes Stress Cause Depression?2 ResponsesWhat symptoms can stress cause?2 ResponsesWhat is burnout stress?2 ResponsesSee more discussionsPlease enter the details below:Your NameYour EmailYour Friend's EmailSendAlready a LifeMojo user? Login!Please enter a valid username/passwordEmail:Password: Remember meForgot Password?New user? Register with LifeMojoEmail Address*:Name*:Password*:(minimum 6 characters)Retype Password*:* indicates mandatory fields I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy PolicyEnter your email address below and we will mail you your password: Send PasswordExploreRoutesCalories on GTalkCalories in FoodCalories burnt by ActivityIndian Weight Loss DietHealth Tips on Email / Newsletter NutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationTop RatedHealth ForumsMore About UsTestimonialsContact UsAbout UsMedia BuzzAdvertise With UsBlogHow can we improve this site for you?Send us suggestions, bug reports, or just say HiEmail: Site Map|Terms of Use|Privacy PolicyAll content on this site is copyright of LifeMojo Health Solutions Pvt LtdBy using this service, you accept our Terms of Use. Please read them. All the contents of this Website, such as weight loss diet plan, tips, healthy recipes, fitness calculators and other material contained on the Website ("Content") are for informational purposes only. This Website does not provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.LifeMojoHealth TipsLifestyleNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationThese feeds are for personal use only. To use these for any other purpose, please contact us at admin@lifemojo.comYour NameYour EmailYour Friends' Email Ids(Use commas to separate email Ids)Send InviteTo get our Daily Health Tips on SMS for FREE:Click on LifeMojo Google SMS ChannelOr sms ON LIFEMOJO to +91 9870807070The Health tips from LifeMojo are for personal use only. You are not allowed to publish the tips anywhere else. All the content in health tips is for informative purpose only. The tips do not provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.
Stop taking medications whenever you have a small ... LifeMojo Home |Invite |RSS |SMS |Help |Login/registration HomeMy JourneyMy HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle travel HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth HomeHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping cart health TipHealth health tips > Guides > 25 January, ' 11Subscribe on SMSSign UpHealth tip for January 25, 11Stop taking medicines, ' whenever you have a minor illness. The overuse of antibiotics and cold medicines & fighting fever weakens the immune system.
Some prescription medications and non-prescription are important toxins that many put in their bodies. Researchers have discovered that some people who take antibiotics were reduced levels of cytokines-hormone messengers of the immune system. You are more likely to develop resistant bacteria or become sick in the future when the immune system is suppressed.
Tags: Immune system, drug ?previous tip of healthHealth Tip next?health tips on: Twitter, Facebook SMS Email for FREE health tips related make sure you get adequate (7-9 hrs) & a good ...Eat oats regularly to strengthen the immune system ...there are many germs that circulate in the air on ...See this tip to health in other languages? ?? ????? Arabic-?????? ...Bulgarian-?????? ?????? h. ..Chinese (T)-??????, ??????? ?...Chinese (S)-??????, ??????? ?...Croatian-uzimat Provided ...Czech-P?estat u??vat ...Danish-Stop med at tags ...Dutch-Stoppen met het ...English-stop taking med. ..Finnish-Lopeta l??kitys ...French-der de prend ...German-Beenden Sie die ...Greek-? ?? ?????????? ...Hebrew-?????? ???? ??? ...Hindi-??? ????? ?? ?? ...English-stop pre ...Japanese-???????, ??????? ...Korean-?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ...Latvian-P?rtrauciet z?? ...Lithuanian-Nustokite varto ...Norwegian-Slutte med ? ta ...Polish-Stop lek bior?c ...Portuguese-Pare de tomar or ...Romanian-lua s? ?nceta?i ...Russian-?????????? ???? ...Serbian-???????? not open none ?? ??? ...Slovak-Presta? u??va? ...Spanish-Deje de tomar m. ..Swedish-Sluta ta medical ...Thai-หยุดใช้ยาทุกครั ...Turkish-Durdurmak ila?l ...Ukrainian-????????? ????? ...ExploreRoutesCalories in GTalkCalories in FoodCalories burned by DietHealth ActivityIndian Weight Loss Tips on Email/Newsletter NutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationTop RatedHealth ForumsMore UsTestimonialsContact Usabout d ' on BuzzAdvertise with UsBlogHow can improve this site for you?Send suggestions, bug reports, or just say HiEmail: website |ITB |Terms of Use |Privacy PolicyAll contained in this website is copyright of LifeMojo Health Solutions Pvt. LtdBy using this service, you agree to our terms and conditions of use. Please read them. All contents of this Web site, such as diet, weight loss tips, healthy recipes, fitness calculators and other material on the website (the "content") are for informational purposes only. This site does not provide medical advice or Diagnosis. LifeMojoHealth TipsLifestyleNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationThese feeds are for personal use only. To use these for any other purpose, please contact us at InviteTo to send Email ID (use commas to separate e-mail ID) get friends to admin @ lifemojo. comYour NameYour EmailYour our daily health tips on SMS for free: click LifeMojo Google SMS channel or sms ON lifemojo to 9870807070 + 91 LifeMojo health suggestions are for personal use only. You cannot publish the tips anywhere else. All content on health tips are for informational purposes only. Tips do not provide medical advice or diagnosis.
Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request How Losing Weight Improves Your Life LifeMojo Home|Invite|RSS|SMS|Help|Login / Register HomeMy JourneyMy Journey HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth Guides HomeHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping Cart LifestyleLifestyle > How Losing Weight Improves Your LifeHow Losing Weight Improves Your LifeBy LifeMojo Team / January 25, 20110 CommentsWeight Loss and various ways of losing weight have come to the forefront with growing concerns over obesity and weight-related health problems. Not only that, people in general, want to look good and so they want to shed off excess weight. Looking gaudy in stylish dresses would demand the perfect figure. So the purpose of weight loss varies from one person to the other. Whatever, might be the reason, there are certain surprising benefits which you might accrue after a weight loss. These are:You would experience an improvementin memory: A study conducted by Swedish researchers on 290 women (born between 1908 and 1922) found that women who were overweight with BMI greater than 25 throughout their adult lives were more likely to lose brain tissue (a condition known as brain atrophy) in the temporal lobe compared with women who maintained a healthy weight with BMI less than 25 during their adulthood. Loss of brain tissue has been linked to memory loss, shortening of the attention span, and dementia. The temporal lobe is important for a number of reasons, including memory, hearing, speech, language, comprehension, and visual processing of, for example, faces. Researchers are of the opinion that loss of brain tissue may be due to fat causing more oxidative stress, resulting in an increase of free radicals in the body. Another possibility may be that the extra fat leads to artery disease (clogged arteries), which can limit oxygen flow to the brain. In other words, if you maintain a healthy body weight, you may decrease the risk of temporal lobe atrophy and subsequent dementia.You won't find it difficult tocarry groceries: Researchers at the Wake Forest University conducted an experiment with 9,400 middle-aged women. They measured the waist-to-hip ratios of the subjects and found that the subjects who had spare tires had a 57 percent chance of experiencing reduced muscle strength and exercise capacity. In other words, if you lose weight, you would experience greater muscle strength and would not find difficulties in doing activities like carrying your child or lifting groceries.You would gain heart-health: Obese people stand at a greater risk of suffering from the thickening of the heart wall and irregular heartbeats than the individuals who have normal weights. The upper left chamber of the heart, the atrium, stretches out due to obesity. This gives rise to an overly rapid beat which is not at par with the rest of the heart. This condition is referred to as atrial fibrillation. It leads to an increase in the risk of stroke by four times. The risk of death gets doubled under such a condition.You would save yourself from cancer: Research has shown that an excessive weight in an individual can trigger an excess generation of the hormones, leptin and estrogen. These hormones are responsible for the growth of abnormal cells which in turn set the stage for the development of tumors. When you lose weight you can protect yourself from certain types of cancer. A research conducted with 22, 000 women for 7 years by the University of Minnesota claimed that the women who experienced weight loss by around 20 pounds (aroung 9 kg) were able to cut down the risk of breast cancer by 21 percent.Your knees would feel relieved: It is a known fact that excess body weight puts extra pressure on the knees. A research conducted on osteoarthritis by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggested that each pound increase in weight over the normal value raises the risk of osteoarthritis in women by 10 to 15 percent and in men by 5 to 10 percent. Therefore, when you are losing weight, you are providing relief to your knees!You would experience easy breathing: A study was conducted by the University of Ottawa taking 50 obese women as the subjects. It was observed that for each loss of 10 percent of body weight, there was an improvement in the lung function by 5 percent. The breathing power was found to improve by 10 percent in women who registered a 25 percent weight loss. Excess weight causes the breathing muscles to work harder and their function loses the effectiveness.You can save your arteries fromdamages: In a research it was found that overweight people who lost 7 percent of their weight experienced fewer signs of artery damage.You would becomepregnant more easily: An obese woman finds it very difficult to conceive or carry to term even if she opts for in-vitro fertilization. A study with 372 women was conducted in South Carolina and it was observed that the obese women were 32 percent less likely to carry a child in comparison to those who had normal weights. In another study conducted by London researchers it has been found that the obese women were at a greater risk of miscarriage in comparison to their counterparts who had healthy weights. So you should lose weight to be able to conceive.You would deliver your baby faster: The University of Carolina conducted a study on labor with 672 women. It was observed that labor lasted 2 hours longer in obese women in comparison to those who had healthy weights. Another study conducted by the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine suggested that the C-section rates were found to be higher in obese and overweight women compared to those who had normal weights. All these suggest that if you lose weight, you would be able to give birth to your child faster.New researches are always coming up with newer forms of weight loss benefits. So whenever you feel like indulging in high-fat or sugary foods, just remember these added benefits. You would like to lose weight not just to look good but to maintain your overall health.Tags: Weight Loss, Pregnancy, Wellness, Benefits, Health, Women, MotivationEmailRelated ArticlesPregnancy and Gestational DiabetesGestational diabetes is a condition characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels that is first...Health Hazards of ObesityThe health problems associated with obesity are numerous. Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem. It...Positive Effects of Quitting SmokingEvery year thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes. We a...Pregnancy Do's and Don'tsPregnancy is a delicate time for any woman and as with other heath related situations, there are man...Heed to Pregnancy BasicsPregnancy is as natural as the word evolution. 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