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Exercise is necessary to play better golf as if you are physically fit you will be able to execute the necessary golfing motions more easily. You will also have more stamina out on the course.Most golfers know that the swing plane is important. A golfer is always looking to improve their golf swing power, distance and golf swing speed in a search for longer drives. In order to do that, you need to focus on 2 areasCore strength/stabilityFlexibility exercisesCore Strength/Stability ExercisesThe most important area to improve strength and flexibility for longer drives and more power is your core. A strong core is also imperative to maintain stability in the body during times when your balance is challenged. Good core strength also allows you to have more endurance so your short game is more precise, fresh and controlled.Here are a few tips on establishing a good core:Hold your club chest high with both hands shoulder-width apart and arms straight out in front. While keeping feet and hips fairly stable, rotate club to the right and then the left. Repeat each side 10 times.Sit on exercise ball in upright posture. Now take medicine ball or single dumbbell in both hands and bring it to chest height with arms straight. While looking straight ahead, rotate slowly to the right and then to the left. Go both sides 6-8 times, rest and repeat one more time.Lie on your back with your arms stretched out to either side. Slowly pull your knees to your chest. Roll your legs to the left then the right while keeping your shoulders flat on the ground. Lower your legs back to the ground. Repeat 8-10 times.Hold a medicine ball with both hands and mimic the motion of the club's swing. This exercise uses the resistance provided by the medicine ball to build up the muscles involved in the club's swing and leads to a much better hip rotation during the swing. You can also use a dumbbell instead of a medicine ball, but instead of holding with both hands, use your lead hand.Address the major muscle groups of the legs, chest and upper back by dumbbell squat, the dumbbell bench press and the dumbbell bent row.Do the dumbbell lateral raise for your shoulder muscles; the bodyweight trunk curl for your abdominal muscle; and the bodyweight trunk extension for your lower back muscles.Consistently doing weight training exercises that targets both the upper body and lower body will help to build and maintain strong muscles that can only help you become a better player.Flexibility ExercisesFor a better golf swing, you need to have flexible muscles and adequate joint range of movement. Flexible muscles, ligaments and tendons are also extremely important in the prevention of most strain and sprain injuries. If your muscles and tendons are tight and stiff, it is quite easy for those muscles and tendons to be pushed beyond their natural range of movement causing strains, sprains, and pulled muscles. So stretch at least three times a week, paying particular attention to your back, shoulders, and arms. Here are a few stretching exercises for Golfers:With your feet shoulder-width apart, extend your arms overhead and clasp your hands. Looking forwards, slowly extend your hand down toward the top of your feet. You will feel a stretch in hamstrings and lower back. Hold for a second and return to the starting position. Now, rotate your shoulders, arms, torso and head to the right, and slowly extend your hands downward to the outside of the right foot. Hold for a second and return to the starting position. Repeat it on the left side. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, then slowly bend to the side and reach over the top of your head with your hand. Do not bend forward.Place your right arm straight across your chest and push it to yourself with your left arm and hold. Repeat with your left arm.With a club behind your neck and a hand on each end of the club, you can execute a few side bends.Wrist ExercisesFinally you need to focus on your wrist. A strong wrist leashes out the power generated by your body for a powerful golf swing. Here are a few wrist exercises:Take a pair of dumbbells. While standing straight with the dumbbells to the side, simply curl your wrists slowly up and then back down.With your arms hanging at your side, hold a golf club in one hand towards the end of the grip. Now, raise the club only by cocking your wrist and keeping your arm at side. Raise it as high as you can. Lower the club and repeat 15 times. Switch arms and do the same exercise.Adding the above exercises to your golf conditioning program will not only improve your game, but will likely improve your overall fitness as well.Tags: Sports, Golf, Exercise, Tips, Performance, FitnessRelated Articles7 Ways to Exercise While CookingA very common reason that most of the women give for their weight is that they don't get enough time...How to Prepare for a Marathon?Running a marathon is no simple undertaking. 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