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Safety first. Keep your dog on a leash when you run. Even the best-trained dogs can run into the path of a car or a territorial animal.
Just like people who aren't used to exercise, dogs should start off slow. Moderately paced walking and swimming are a good way to start, and gradually increase the time and intensity of the activity.
Keep a close eye on your dog: watch for any unusual signs of fatigue or trouble breathing. You need to slow down or stop if your dog is panting excessively, breathing fast, drooling, or staggering. Dogs that overdo it can suffer strained tendons or ligaments or other orthopedic problems.
Just like people, dogs are susceptible to dehydration and heat exhaustion. Bring along a water bottle and collapsible drinking bowl to help your pet stay dehydrated. Signs of dehydration in dogs include excessive panting, weakness, confusion, and collapse.
Try to walk or run on dirt paths (or grass) as much as possible. Long walks or runs on asphalt or concrete can damage a dog's paws, especially on hot days.
Swimming is another popular cardiovascular exercise to do with dogs, but they should be closely supervised in lakes or oceans, even in pools.
Avoid strenuous exercise with your pet until they are finished growing. For most dogs, this is between nine and twelve months, and at least eighteen months for the giants like the Great Dane and Saint Bernard.
Take it easy in extreme weather. If it's freezing cold or hot and steamy out, either keep your run short or play a little indoor fetch instead.
Dog owners will discover that ensuring their dog has a habitual daily exercise period will not only benefit their canine companion, but will also have great fitness advantages for themselves.Tags: Exercise, Pets, Health, Tips, Fitness, DogRelated ArticlesTips for Exercise in DiabetesSometimes it may seem easier to pop a pill or even take a shot than to put on your walking shoes and...Exercise Tips for GolfersGolf is a game that puts a lot of strain on a person's body. The good news is that Golfers do not ne...Why Drink Water During Workout?Staying hydrated while exercising is vital to keeping our body temperature and electrolyte level bal...A Beginner's Guide to Safe ExercisingBeginning a fitness training program is a great thing for anyone at any age because it can make you ...Exercise While CommutingTraveling is a part of life, whether you are on a cross country road trip or if you have a five minu...Email0 CommentsPost CommentEmailRegisterCurrent Rating:(Login to rate the Article)View this article in other languages ?Arabic - ?????? ?? ?????...Bulgarian - ?????????? ? ??...Chinese (T) - ??????Chinese (S) - ??????Croatian - Vje?banje sa sv...Czech - Cvi?en? se psemDanish - Tr?ning med din...Dutch - Oefenen met je ...English - Exercising with...Finnish - Kuntoilu koiran...French - L'exercice avec...German - Das Training mi...Greek - ? ?????? ?? ?? ...Hebrew - ?????? ?????? ?...Hindi - ???? ?????? ?? ...Italian - Allenarsi con i...Japanese - ????????????Korean - ? ???? ??Latvian - Izmantojot ar s...Lithuanian - Mank?ta su J?s?...Norwegian - Trene med hunde...Polish - ?wiczenia z pse...Portugese - Exercitar com o...Romanian - Exercitarea cu ...Russian - ?????????? ? ??...Serbian - ??????? ?? ????Slovak - Cvi?enie so pso...Spanish - Hacer ejercicio...Swedish - Tr?na med din h...Thai - การออกกำลังกายก...Turkish - Your Dog ile an...Ukranian - ?????? ? ????? ...Related DiscussionsHow To Do A Sprint?1 ResponseHow to motivate for exercise?2 ResponsesHow to exercise in the morning?1 ResponseHow Ot Lose Weight?1 ResponseHow to exercise to loose weight?1 ResponseSee more discussionsPlease enter the details below:Your NameYour EmailYour Friend's EmailSendAlready a LifeMojo user? Login!Please enter a valid username/passwordEmail:Password: Remember meForgot Password?New user? Register with LifeMojoEmail Address*:Name*:Password*:(minimum 6 characters)Retype Password*:* indicates mandatory fields I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy PolicyEnter your email address below and we will mail you your password: Send PasswordExploreRoutesCalories on GTalkCalories in FoodCalories burnt by ActivityIndian Weight Loss DietHealth Tips on Email / Newsletter NutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationTop RatedHealth ForumsMore About UsTestimonialsContact UsAbout UsMedia BuzzAdvertise With UsBlogHow can we improve this site for you?Send us suggestions, bug reports, or just say HiEmail: Site Map|Terms of Use|Privacy PolicyAll content on this site is copyright of LifeMojo Health Solutions Pvt LtdBy using this service, you accept our Terms of Use. Please read them. All the contents of this Website, such as weight loss diet plan, tips, healthy recipes, fitness calculators and other material contained on the Website ("Content") are for informational purposes only. This Website does not provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.LifeMojoHealth TipsLifestyleNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationThese feeds are for personal use only. To use these for any other purpose, please contact us at admin@lifemojo.comYour NameYour EmailYour Friends' Email Ids(Use commas to separate email Ids)Send InviteTo get our Daily Health Tips on SMS for FREE:Click on LifeMojo Google SMS ChannelOr sms ON LIFEMOJO to +91 9870807070The Health tips from LifeMojo are for personal use only. You are not allowed to publish the tips anywhere else. All the content in health tips is for informative purpose only. The tips do not provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.
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