Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Why Use Exercise Balls as Chairs? LifeMojo Home|Invite|RSS|SMS|Help|Login / Register HomeMy JourneyMy Journey HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth Guides HomeHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping Cart LifestyleLifestyle > Why Use Exercise Balls as Chairs?Why Use Exercise Balls as Chairs?By LifeMojo Team / January 10, 20110 CommentsThe idea of doing workouts in the midst of other activities goes very well! This would also eliminate the excuses of not finding adequate time to do exercises! This objective can be achieved with the use of exercise balls. Yes! Exercise balls have made their way right into your homes! And you can use them conveniently in any corner of your home or office. When you are using an exercise ball as a chair while doing other works such as studying or working on the computer, you are actually keeping fitness at your fingertips!Here are the reasons why you should replace your chair with an exercise ball: Makes you change positions frequently: You need to change your positions while sitting on an exercise ball in order to maintain your balance. For instance, when you turn 45 degrees to receive a phone call, your body needs to readjust to a new position. These movements would try to negate the harmful consequences of sedentary jobs. Improves the health of the spinal column: The body needs to balance itself on an exercise ball because it is not a stable seat. In this process of adjustment, the body assumes the proper posture. This boosts up the condition of the spinal column and diminishes back pains. Improves your sense of balance: You have to adjust your balance on an unstable surface for the whole day. This activity would enhance your balance sense apart from causing improvements in your muscle reactions. Strengthens the abdominal muscles: The frequent changes in the balance are handled by the body by making use of the abdominal muscles. So when you are sitting on an exercise ball, you are actually getting an abdominal workout. You are spending many hours on the exercise ball while at work and so the abdominal workout gives better results in these long hours. You would experience strengthening of your abdominal muscles. Keeps fitness at your fingertips: You do not have to find extra time for doing workouts. While sitting on your exercise ball, you need to spare just 2 minutes to perform mini-workouts and stretches. This is a very convenient workout plan and you would want to do it again and again. Improves circulation: Since you need to make movements to adjust yourself continuously on an exercise ball, your body's circulation process improves and blood flows to all the body parts. But normal chairs bring down circulation in some parts of the body. Makes you more energetic: When you sit at one place, you feel very tired. But when you need to change positions continuously, you would feel more energized. When you use exercise ball as a chair, you make more movements and feel active at the end of the day's work. Makes you lose weight: When you make movements while maintaining your balance on an exercise ball, you burn calories and this can meet your weight loss objectives. Brings fun and enjoyment: Who does not want to involve him in fun and playful activities with a bouncy exercise ball? These balls, with components of fun and excitement, are excellent substitutes for chairs! Does not make a hole in your pocket: Exercise balls are really cheap and the prices vary from 650 to 3,500 rupees. This is a highly economic option in comparison to the ergonomic chairs which might cost you several thousands of rupees. Sitting on an exercise ball and doing your work is a very exciting idea. Bouncing around on an exercise ball for the whole work hours not only adds fun to your stressful schedule, but also helps you in sticking to your fitness goals.Tags: Office, Reason, Benefits, Exercise Ball, Abs, FitnessRelated ArticlesUsing an Exercise Ball for FitnessAn exercise ball is a big, soft plastic ball which can be used to work the abdominals and improve po...10 Reason Why You should CycleCycling is not just a sport, not just a pastime, not just a means of transport. 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