Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Foods That Help You Quit Smoking LifeMojo Home|Invite|RSS|SMS|Help|Login / Register HomeMy JourneyMy Journey HomeGoalsPlanTrackMeasureReportsAnalysisBody AnalysisLifestyle AnalysisLifestyleLifestyle HomeTop RatedNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationHealth GuidesHealth Guides HomeHealth TipsCalories BurntNutritional ValueHealthy RecipesGlossaryHealth InsuranceCommunityForumsRoutesHealth StoreHealth Store HomeShopping Cart LifestyleLifestyle > Foods That Help You Quit SmokingFoods That Help You Quit SmokingBy LifeMojo Team / November 1, 20100 CommentsMost people who smoke really wish that they wouldn't. They are well aware of the hazards of smoking and many among them really want to quit. Many of them try quitting, few are successful but a lot of them fail miserably and go back to their old habits. Quitting requires a lot of desire, determination, and commitment. The more you learn about your options and develop a proper plan for quitting, the easier it will be.Main reason quitting is such a difficult task is because nicotine is a very addictive substance. It messes with your mind and keeps it asking for more. There are a lot of methods that will help you quit smoking. These include nicotine patches, hypnosis and prescription medication etc. However, little do people know that the best of the method is actually sitting in their own refrigerator.Yes! You guessed it right. It is food. So let's look at some foods that can help you stay tobacco free:
Milk and dairy products: Milk is one of those all nutrient inclusive food that provides comprehensive nutrition to the body. But did you know that it can also help you to quit smoking. Dukes University revealed that smokers who drank a glass of milk before smoking didn't like the taste of their cigarettes. They complained that the cigarettes had suddenly developed a bitter after taste. You can also dip your cigarettes in milk and let them dry. Every time you'll smoke one of these milk dipped cigarettes, you'll extinguish it half way through because of the horrendous taste it leaves in your mouth. Also, next time you think about smoking, you'll remember how your last cigarette tasted.
Certain vegetables: Some vegetables such as celery (use carrots if you don't like celery), zucchini, cucumber and egg-plant also leave a bitter after taste (just like milk) when had before smoking. Furthermore, some specialists claim that eating a lot of these vegetables can decrease the intensity of nicotine dependence. However, stay away from sweet vegetables like peas and corn. The glucose in them can increase your craving by stimulating the areas of your brain responsible for pleasure and satisfaction. So nibble on fresh carrots and celery, or enjoy a delicious spinach salad the next time you feel like smoking.
Orange juice: Cigarettes rob you of your vitamin C supply, leaving you with a deficiency which the nicotine fills. So if you want to kick the habit fast, start drinking more orange juice or eating more fruits like oranges, lemons and pomegranates that are packed with this powerhouse vitamin.
Salt: Whenever the desire to smoke overpowers you, you should eat something salty or lick a little salt with the tip of your tongue. This kills your urge for smoking.
Ginseng: This Chinese herb can do more for you than weight loss. Ginseng has been shown to prevent the nicotine-induced release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. It should not be used daily but can be used 3-4 times a month.
Gum: Chewing sugar free gum when you have the urge to smoke is a good way of keeping the mouth busy.
Make sure you avoid alcohol, caffeine, and red meat when you are attempting to quit smoking. These foods have the effect exact opposite of milk. They make cigarettes taste better.When you are trying to quit, every little thing helps. When it comes to quitting, food may very well be your ally. Embrace this friend as together you can fight the war hard and emerge victorious.Tags: Addiction, Food, Quit Smoking, Motivation, Wellness, SmokingRelated ArticlesHow to Quit Smoking?Smoking can affect more than just your lungs. Smoking can increase your risk for heart attack, strok...Positive Effects of Quitting SmokingEvery year thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes. We a...Quitting Smoking: Coping with Nicotine WithdrawalOnce you quit smoking, you will go through the physical and psychological effects of drug-withdrawal...Quit Smoking Without Gaining WeightOne of the scary things about quitting smoking (aside from going insane with nicotine withdrawals) i...How to Cut Back on Alcohol?Do you drink too much? There are aspects of your life that you can examine in order to answer this q...Email0 CommentsPost CommentEmailRegisterCurrent Rating:(Login to rate the Article)View this article in other languages ?Arabic - ??????? ???? ??...Bulgarian - ???????, ????? ...Chinese (T) - ??,?????Chinese (S) - ??,?????Croatian - Namirnice koje ...Czech - Potraviny, kter...Danish - Foods, der hj?l...Dutch - Voedingsmiddele...English - Foods That Help...Finnish - Elintarvikkeita...French - Les aliments qu...German - Lebensmittel, d...Greek - ??????? ??? ???...Hebrew - ?????? ????????...Hindi - ????? ?? ??? ??...Italian - Alimenti che ai...Japanese - ???????????????Korean - ?? ??? ??? ?? ?...Latvian - P?rtikas produk...Lithuanian - Maisto produkta...Norwegian - Foods som hjelp...Polish - Pokarmy, kt?re ...Portugese - Alimentos que a...Romanian - Alimente care v...Russian - ????????, ?????...Serbian - ????????? ???? ...Slovak - Potraviny, ktor...Spanish - Alimentos que a...Swedish - Livsmedel som h...Thai - อาหารที่ช่วยให้...Turkish - G?dalar sigaray...Ukranian - ????????, ??? ?...Related DiscussionsWhat to expect when you quit smoking?1 ResponseHow Does Smoking Help You Lose Weight?1 ResponseWhat are the causes of smoking cigarettes?1 ResponseWhat Causes Smoking Addiction?1 ResponseHow to quit smoking anaylsis?1 ResponseSee more discussionsPlease enter the details below:Your NameYour EmailYour Friend's EmailSendAlready a LifeMojo user? Login!Please enter a valid username/passwordEmail:Password: Remember meForgot Password?New user? Register with LifeMojoEmail Address*:Name*:Password*:(minimum 6 characters)Retype Password*:* indicates mandatory fields I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy PolicyEnter your email address below and we will mail you your password: Send PasswordExploreRoutesCalories on GTalkCalories in FoodCalories burnt by ActivityIndian Weight Loss DietHealth Tips on Email / Newsletter NutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationTop RatedHealth ForumsMore About UsTestimonialsContact UsAbout UsMedia BuzzAdvertise With UsBlogHow can we improve this site for you?Send us suggestions, bug reports, or just say HiEmail: Site Map|Terms of Use|Privacy PolicyAll content on this site is copyright of LifeMojo Health Solutions Pvt LtdBy using this service, you accept our Terms of Use. Please read them. All the contents of this Website, such as weight loss diet plan, tips, healthy recipes, fitness calculators and other material contained on the Website ("Content") are for informational purposes only. This Website does not provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.LifeMojoHealth TipsLifestyleNutritionFitnessWellnessMotivationThese feeds are for personal use only. To use these for any other purpose, please contact us at admin@lifemojo.comYour NameYour EmailYour Friends' Email Ids(Use commas to separate email Ids)Send InviteTo get our Daily Health Tips on SMS for FREE:Click on LifeMojo Google SMS ChannelOr sms ON LIFEMOJO to +91 9870807070The Health tips from LifeMojo are for personal use only. You are not allowed to publish the tips anywhere else. All the content in health tips is for informative purpose only. The tips do not provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.
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